Computer-Aided Renewable Energy Language

With the "European Green Deal" and its centerpiece, the EU Climate Change Act, Europe is pursuing the long-term goal of becoming the first climate-neutral continent. Identifying the best, most profitable locations for wind power and solar plants is a necessary prerequisite for this

Project GoalsMap

Our objectives

Using Geodata

The INSPIRE directive, which is regulating the foundation for a uniform provision and utilization of geodata throughout the EU since 2021, has created an ideal framework. Existing algorithms from the completed research projects SUN-AREA, WIND-AREA and ERNEUERBAR KOMM! will be merged with the EU-wide standardized geodata.

Creating Algorithms

We intend to develop and deliver an algorithm that allows EU-wide operators from industry, science and administration, software developers, large municipalities and local authorities, planning and engineering offices as well as project developers to perform automated potential analyses to identify the most profitable areas for wind power and solar plants.

Reaching EU Goals

The European Union (EU) has declared its goal of becoming the world's first climate-neutral continent by 2050 through the European Green Deal. The caREL research group is looking for ways to use their expertise to support the achievement of the climate protection goals and the european climate neutrality.

Results - Map

Click to see the Results in geoportal

Zoom to Europe


Open algorithms

Our algorithms for solar and wind potential analyses are openly available to you for free. Download them by using the following buttons and use them for your own calculations.


Our detailed documentation shows you examples on how to find the necessary source data for the calculations and how to use our algorithm. In many european countries the needed data is already available as open data.

Ask the expert

If you need help with your calculation or or have questions about our algorithm, then please don't hesitate to contact us directly. We will help you to implement caREL.

Recent Work

  • All
  • Belgium
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
Global Radiation

Belgium Oostwinkel

Global Radiation

Belgium Brugges

Global Radiation

Denmark Skaerbaek

Global Radiation

Denmark Kopenhagen

Global Radiation

Estonia Alataguse

Global Radiation

Estonia Tallinn

Global Radiation

Slovenia Kidricevo

Global Radiation

Slovenia Ljubljana

Global Radiation

Spain Valencia

Global Radiation

Spain Toledo

Our Work

Our Workshops

    • Solar

    • General

      • 24 February 2022
      • 5 Companies
      • 2 Hours
      • Results:
      • -CaREL is a tool to be used in order to perform calculations independently. The Results are not calculated nor will they be available on the website, and no structures are set up for this purpose.
      • -These analyses can be varied by own individual needs.
      • -caREL offers the hope to carry out GIS analyses in the daily work in more detail.
      • -Every used data for the example analyses are available free of charge.
    • Wind

    • General

      • 24 June 2022
      • 3 Companies
      • 2 Hours
      • Results:
      • - The roads are considered with a buffer in the wind potential analyses, but only the superordinate roads, because of their greater influence on acceptance.
      • - The result data is not available in every desired resolution, for example for smaller areas, but service providers can identify this gap and offer data. CaREL does not offer data.
      • - An algorithm, which is suitable for both analyses solar and wind, could be realized by means of multifunctional surfaces, but not in this transfer project caREL.
    • Solar & Wind

    • Estonia

      • 20 May 2022
      • 2 Companies
      • 2 Hours
      • Results:
      • - Till 2030 all new buildings in the public sector in Estonia should be nearly zero energy buildings.
      • - caREL is a tool with the help of which operators can carry out calculations on their own and to repeat the analyses each year with new data. A governmental organization or NGO can also automatize these calculations, so that it can be refreshed with every new building built.
      • - An Event is planned in Tallinn or at the TalTech where this transfer project caREL will be presented to the Estonian politicians.
    • Solar

    • Technical

      • 6th July 2022
      • 1 Company
      • 1 Hour
      • Results:
      • - The algorithm will not need ArcGIS Pro. A free of charge alternative way to perform the calculations will be provided.
      • - Mainly the data availability influenced the selection of the five pilot countries (Estonia, Spain, Denmark, Slovenia and Belgium) but the geographical location in Europe played a role too.
      • - The analysis results can be individualized or adapted as needed e.g. building outlines or protected areas.

The Management

Prof. Dr.
Robert Seuß
Project Management
Prof. Dr.
Martina Klärle
Project Management
Prof. Dr. -Ing.
Tine Köhler
Project Management
Prof. Dr. -Ing.
Thomas Hollstein
Project Management

The Employees

Ute Langendörfer
External Employee
Julia Anderie
Scientific Employee
Nicolas Diedrich
Scientific Employee
Mariam Hussain
Scientific Employee

Funding source


Talk to us

If you have any questions or suggestions, or would like to receive information about our workshops, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Nibelungenplatz 1, 60318 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Work Time:

Monday - Friday from 9am to 5pm


+49 (0)69 1533-3696
